Timing is Very Important When Launching a Successful Business

When I hear the word time limit, sadly nothing good comes to mind.

All I see is a crazy Char rushing around, dropping papers, pencils in my ears, cell phone ringing loudly, hurried and stressed to the limit.

However, timing yourself when handling business tasks is actually a very efficient way to manage your business.

How so?

You Learn How To Set More Realistic Timelines. How many times have you started a task thinking it would only take 15 minutes and when you finished it was close to 45 minutes later.

Why? Because the actual tasks involved in the project were more time consuming and detailed than you originally thought.

So by the time you’re finished, you’re frustrated because you’re already behind on your daily task list and that quickly puts a damper on your enthusiasm for other business items needing attention.

So setting timers can actually help your business by showing you the accurate amount of time that will be involved in a project.

Next time the task is due, you can schedule your to do list accordingly.

Timers Help You Focus. Setting a timer really does work. At first, I thought it wouldn’t work because I was the one who set the timer so I knew how much time I had – and that defeats the purpose right?

But often times, when I have a long to do list but no real timeframe, for some reason I stare at the list, then get distracted with emails, reading articles, searching the web, and social media.

These are all important things to handle, but I get to the end of the workday and I’ve accomplished nothing on my list.

Besides feeling like a loser, when I have to keep adding incomplete tasks to tomorrow’s to do list, I quickly get overwhelmed, frustrated, lose focus, and I am not motivated to do anything.

But once I started setting a 15 minute time segment, I really felt more focused and actually got more things accomplished.

Give it a try and see just how well it will work for you.

Timing Yourself Promotes Work-Life Balance. When we first start a business, we know it will affect our home life if we do not keep it under control.

We feel like everything has to be done and right now!

We jump in without a real plan and assume it will work out.

But if we don’t know how much time we HAVE to spend or NEED to spend in our business, we’ll end up unbalanced in our work and home life.

So setting realistic timelines becomes absolutely necessary if we want to achieve work-life balance.

Otherwise, we’ll start off thinking it’s okay to work at night, say to ourselves that we have all day to work on the business without any direction, and expect our families to understand why we never make time to refresh ourselves through recreation and family time because we’re always working.

When we know how much time the business will take per week or month, then it’s much easier to keep both worlds balanced.

Growing our business is and should be very important to us and time will be required to accomplish this.

However, even more important is learning how to maintain your work life balance, focus, and a realistic approach to owning a business.

Each of us has 24 hours each day that has to spent wisely.

Take charge of the way you are spending your business time and you will see the difference in your attitude, enthusiasm, focus and work-life balance.

To Your Success…

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